Extremely reliable coarse crushing equipment
Reliable quality and long service life
Mobile crusher is a more complete, systematic and flexible modular solution that we offer to our customers.
A new generation of high-efficiency coarse and medium-fine crushers: CI5X series impact crushers
·Con la diffusione delle auto elettriche ci stiamo abituando sempre più a usare i kW come unità di misura universale per la potenza dei motori Cosa che in realtà si è sempre fatta visto che anche sui documenti come il libretto di circolazione è indicato quel linguaggio comune anche commerciale siamo però più abituati a parlare di cavalli o CV
1 Cavalos força = Quilowatts 10 Cavalos força = Quilowatts 2500 Cavalos força = Quilowatts 2 Cavalos força = Quilowatts 20 Cavalos força = Quilowatts 5000 Cavalos força = Quilowatts 3 Cavalos força = Quilowatts 30 Cavalos força = Quilowatts 10000 Cavalos força = 7457 Quilowatts 4 Cavalos força =
·JS series crusher motor has the advantages of compact structure low vibration and noise high reliability strong overload capability and convenient installation and maintenance In particular the improvement of the process on the basis of the original JS crusher motor is a new generation of high performance crusher special motor
Formulas for calculating motor amps horsepower hp kilowatts kW and kVA for DC single phase AC and 3 phase AC motors Elliott Electric Supply wholesale electrical supplies Use formulas in this chart to calculate amperes amps horsepower HP kilowatts kW and kilovolt amps kVA for Direct Current DC Single Phase AC and Three
5 ·RLA "Running Load Amps" current drawn during normal operation of electric motor FLA "Full Load Amps" amount of current drawn when full load torque and horsepower is reached for the motor FLA is usually determined in laboratory tests Note in the calculator above FLA is RLA 25% ; 1 hp = kW ; Related Mobile Apps from The Engineering
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·The Nordberg® HP Series cone crusher product family includes altogether nine models · HP100 · HP200 · HP300 · HP400 · HP500 · HP900 · HP3 · HP4 · HP5 · HP6 HP Series cone crushers provide predictable and consistent capacity end product size gradation and shape making them a safe choice for aggregates and mining processes
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Marathon 3 Phase XRI Crusher Duty Motors are specifically designed for the aggregate industry crusher applications such as cone jaw and roller type impactors pulverizers etc Please be aware that FedEx is experiencing ongoing issues with their shipping calculator
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Efficiency Crompton Graves CG Motors Standard IE3 3000 RPM / 2 Pole 10 HP / KW 132S FRAME Siemens Motors Standard IE2 the customers have to bring the product to the nearest CG ASC up to HP in 3 Ph & up to HP in 1 Ph motors OR to be sent through transporter on Paid basis No site services shall be
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· Output 250 500 hp Speed 1800 and 1200 rpm V oltage 460 Volt at 60 Hz In addition to Crusher Duty motors WorldWide Electric supplies heavy duty variable frequency drives to manage crushing and feeding applications and shaft mount reducers for conveyor operations Learn more about our solutions for
·Com isso podemos inferir que 1 cv equivale a 0 9863 hp Enquanto isso 1 hp corresponde a 1 0139 cv Ou seja 1 cv não a mesma coisa que 1 hp As medidas não são equivalentes É muito comum que as pessoas não convertam os dados de uma unidade para outra Isso faz com que por exemplo um motor de 90 hp tenha 91 2 cv de potência
Motor rated power in HP or kW Mandatory Rated speed of the motor Mandatory The rated power and rated speed of the motor can be found on the nameplate of the motor After entering the required data click on the Calculate button to find out the full load torque of the motor
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·MOTORS FOR CRUSHER APPLICATIONS 7 — DP200 Crush 100 600 HP 460 volts Hp RPM NEMA Frame Catalog Number CT Hz VT Hz Voltage FL Amps FL eff% Torque Lb Ft LRT BDT 460 Volts 100 1200 R444T 1PC65254SC112AA1 4 1 20 1 460 128 440 170% 260% 125 1200 R445T 1PC65254SC212AA1 4 1 20 1 460 158 552
2 ·If the motor P kW is rated in kW means the power consumption calculation become E kWh = P kW X t h If the motor power P W is rated in Watt means the power consumption calculation become E kWh = P W X t h Note 1 HP is equal to kW Here the HP rating or kW rating can be found at the motor nameplate details Note
6 ·Rate kW motor in Horsepower P HP = x = 2 HP Hence kiloWatts is equal to 2 horsepower Learn More Friction Acceleration Calculator Formula Friction Acceleration Calculation Previous article MW to HP Conversion Calculator Next article HP to kVA Conversion Calculator
·Marathon XRI® Crusher Duty Crusher Duty Motor 125 & 100 HP 3 Ph 60 & 50 Hz 460 & 380 V 1800 & 1500 RPM 444T Frame TEFC Y824A